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Available on PrimeVideo the mouvie that brought on stage Freddie Mercury and Queen Excellent is the first word that comes to mind if I have to describe Bohemian Rhapsody, the biopic that tells the story, and the music, of Freddie Mercury and Queen.

Netflix As much as I loved The Crown from the start, I admit that I felt a little bit integral in Season 4, even if to be honest, I was much more on the story of Charles and Diana than on Thatcher’s politics!

Letter to the Bride
Licia Allara Europa Edizioni What happens when the heart atrophies and no longer tells us where to go? When we are young it is dreams and passions that show us the way, but then life tells us that we must grow up, make rational choices and think about the future and so without even realizing we find ourselves living a life that is not ours, but the one they drew on us because “that’s right”